Charlottenlund Privathospital

Vocal cord disorders and surgery

Operations within vocal cord surgery by specialist Jesper Balle

On this page you will find information about some of the most common vocal cord disorders and phonosurgical operations.

Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers everyone both examination and diagnosis of vocal cord disorders as well as various operations within vocal cord surgery - so-called phono-surgery.

All operations are performed by specialist doctor Jesper Balle, who has many years of subspecialization in vocal cord surgery behind him and is recognized as one of the leading laryngologists and vocal cord surgeons, so that you are sure to be treated to the best national and international standard. Jesper Balle has many years of experience in this particular area and both teaches and collaborates with speech therapists, in both public and private settings.

Removal of vocal cord cysts (Microlaryngoscopy & Phonosurgery)

Benign cysts and other benign changes on the vocal cords can be a big nuisance and contribute to poor voice quality. The cysts can be removed under full anesthesia by a small operation through the mouth while the patient is asleep. After this, the voice will in many cases improve significantly, or even normalize.

Surgery for paralysis of vocal cords (Medialization of vocal cords)

Medialization of the vocal cords is a procedure that can be carried out under general or local anaesthesia, whereby the patient is injected with a so-called "filler" into one vocal cord, whereby a paralyzed vocal cord is brought into the natural position for sound reproduction. In this way, patients with hoarseness due to unilateral paralysis of the vocal cords achieve a fuller and more natural voice that is less hoarse.

Treatment of voice disorders

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, specialist doctor Jesper Balle collaborates with leading speech therapists in both public and private settings. We can therefore always refer you to the right place for further treatment under speech therapy, after surgical and medical treatment has been completed. Consultation with Jesper Balle is exclusively private and not covered by health insurance.

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