Charlottenlund Privathospital

Nose and sinus surgery

Operations and diseases within nose and sinus surgery

On this page you will find information about some of the most common nasal-sinus surgery disorders and operations.

Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers all operations within nose-sinus surgery - but not cosmetic procedures, which we refer to colleagues specializing in cosmetic surgery.

All operations are performed by leading surgeons in their respective fields, so that you are always sure of being treated to the best national and international standards.

Chronic sinusitis / Nasal polyps - binocular surgery (Cas-fess)

Binocular sinus surgery is performed under full anesthesia through the nostrils. Charlottenlund Private Hospital has advanced equipment for 3D computer navigation (so-called CAS-FESS equipment). With the latest navigation equipment, you are sure that the operation goes as it should and that you get the best possible result. The operations are carried out exclusively by doctors with sub-specialisation within nose-sinus diseases. We use the latest equipment from Storz and Fiagon and all sinus surgeons participate annually in international continuing education courses to continuously keep our surgical skills up to date.

Read more about chronic sinusitis here

Operation of crooked nasal septum (Septumplasik)

If the nasal septum is crooked and this results in uneven passage of air through the nose, an operation may be considered. Some patients are severely bothered by unequal air passage through the two sides, while others do not notice this. Reduced air passage can in itself be bothersome, but can also lead to snoring and crusting in the nose due to the changed air flow through the nose. The operation is only performed on grown adults (typically from the age of 18) and is performed under full anesthesia. The operation lasts an hour. After the operation, you must be on sick leave for 7-10 days.

Surgery of the swelling bodies of the nose (conchotomy)

Nasal congestion can be caused by enlarged swelling bodies in the nose, the so-called "clam bones". In some cases, a surgical reduction of the clam bones can be considered - a so-called turbinoplasty, or conchotomy. The operation is carried out under full anesthesia with binocular technique and causes no visible scars and only minimal discomfort for a short time after the operation.

Surgery for frequent nosebleeds (Eipistaxis / Diathermy)

Small blood vessels in the nose can cause frequent nosebleeds. In some cases, the bleeding is several times a week and heavy. These cases can be treated under general anesthesia (smaller children) or under local anesthesia (children older than about 13 years).

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