Charlottenlund Privathospital

Dizziness and balance studies

Examination and treatment of dizziness

On this page you will find information about examination and treatment of vertigo.

Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers advanced examination and investigation of the cause of dizziness with, among other things, VHIT as well as video-nystagmography and MR scanning.

Dizziness is a wide ranging area. The causes can be many, from low or high blood pressure, to loose ear stones (BPPV), virus on the balance nerve (vestibular neuritis) or Ménière's disease or more serious disorders such as blood clots in the brain or tumors.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we have years of experience in investigating dizziness with the latest and most advanced examinations and treatments.

Loose ear stones BPPV (Benign Positional Vertigo)

Also called loose ear stones. Dizziness that occurs with head turning and movement that typically lasts for 15-20 seconds. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is easy in the hands of an experienced specialist. We do not recommend that patients watch videos online without first being examined by a specialist, as this can make correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment more difficult.

Virus på balancenerven, vestibularisneurit (Vestibular neuritis)

"Virus on the balance nerve". Not a virus, but a long-lasting dizziness which typically gives a persistent feeling of seasickness and vomiting for several days in a row, to gradually improve over weeks. With correct diagnosis with advanced equipment, more serious conditions can be ruled out faster and more precisely than with both CT and MR scanning. Charlottenlund Private Hospital uses the latest and best equipment from Interacoustics in the form of VHIT examination.

Ménière's disease

A recurring and extremely unpleasant dizziness and seasickness which is accompanied by ear symptoms in the form of pressure in the ear, hearing loss, tinnitus and distorted sound perception. The diagnosis is made by a combination of advanced examinations, all of which are carried out at Charlottenlund Private Hospital.

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