Charlottenlund Privathospital

Drain in the eardrum (tubulation)

Examination and treatment of tinnitus

On this page you will find information about the study of tinnitus.

Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers advanced evaluation of both pulsating and constant tinnitus. Charlottenlund Private Hospital collaborates with leading specialists in both public and private auspices on the treatment of tinnitus.

  • Constant tinnitus


    Howling or ringing in the ears can be caused by a wide range of different injuries and disorders in the brain as well as in the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Every treatment starts with a thorough hearing test in an anechoic room - from here each individual patient can be advised and treated optimally. Charlottenlund Private Hospital has a long tradition and experience in treating tinnitus patients.

  • Pulsating tinnitus


    Pulsating tinnitus can be caused by both high and low blood pressure, infections and other benign disorders, but can also be caused by tumors and cardiovascular diseases. Examination and treatment of tinnitus takes place through collaboration with the hospital departments and specialist physician Jacob Fisker, who has many years of experience in the study of pulsating tinnitus and has also published a scientific article in a medical journal on the subject.

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