Charlottenlund Privathospital

Chronic sinusitis

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, you can be treated for chronic sinusitis by Denmark's leading ENT doctors

For more than 12 weeks, have you suffered from cold symptoms such as pressure in the face, blocked nose, reduced sense of smell or runny nose, and has rinsing with salt water and nasal spray not relieved the symptoms? Then you may be operated on for chronic sinusitis, which will provide quick and lasting relief from the discomfort.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we have high-tech equipment to perform the operation for chronic sinusitis. Our ear-nose-throat doctors are specialized in advanced surgery and have many years of experience with the operation.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.

Treatment of all patients

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we offer surgery for chronic sinusitis to all patients - free of charge.

We can offer free treatment of chronic sinusitis to all patients, as we have an agreement with the public health insurance. This means that you can be treated with us without having to pay yourself, if you do not have private health insurance.

We have no waiting time and can therefore offer examination and treatment within a few weeks.

Book an appointment for treatment
  • What is chronic sinusitis?

    Bihulerne består af pande-, sibens-, kæbe- og kilebenshulerne, som er hulrum i kraniet, hvor der kan opstå betændelse. Bihulerne har forbindelse til næsen, og ved betændelse blokeres disse afløbsgange. Hvis tilstanden varer mere end 12 uger, betegnes den som kronisk bihulebetændelse.

    Symptomerne på kronisk bihulebetændelse minder til forveksling om symptomerne på forkølelse. Ved kronisk bihulebetændelse vil man opleve en tung fornemmelse og tæthed i området omkring næsen, ansigtssmerter, nedsat lugtesans, stoppet næse, snot fra næsen og vejrtrækningsbesvær. Det skyldes, at betændelsen blokerer for gangene fra bihulerne til næsen. Man kan både opleve symptomerne i den ene eller begge sider af ansigtet.

  • How does chronic sinusitis occur?

    Kronisk bihulebetændelse er en hyppig tilstand, som cirka. 10% af befolkningen udsættes for i deres levetid. Der er mange årsager til tilstanden, herunder allergi, smalle bihulegange, skæv næseskillevæg, rygning, næsepolypper og utilstrækkelig tidligere behandling af kronisk bihulebetændelse.

    Den hyppigste årsag til kronisk bihulebetændelse er akut bihulebetændelse, som ikke går over af sig selv og bliver til en kronisk tilstand. Akut bihulebetændelse opstår som regel i kølvandet på en infektionssygdom som forkølelse. Virussen breder sig til slimhinderne i bihulesystemet, som hæver op, hvilket medfører, at udløbet fra bihulerne lukkes, så der ophobes slim inde i bihulerne.

    Akut bihulebetændelse går i langt de fleste tilfælde over af sig selv efter 7-10 dage, men nogle kan opleve, at bihulerne bliver ved med at være betændte og fyldt med slim. Hvis denne tilstand varer mere end 12 uger, er der tale om kronisk bihulebetændelse.

  • Function of the sinuses

    Hvis man mærker på pandebenet, på begge sider af næsen og i rundingen mellem øjnene og næsen, skulle man tro, at ansigtsknoglen disse steder er solid. Det er den dog ikke – mellem yder- og undersiden af knoglen er der et hulrum. Dette hulrum kaldes en bihule.

    Det vides ikke fuldt ud, hvorfor vi overhovedet har bihuler. Nogle har foreslået, at de luftfyldte hulrum er til for at nedsætte kraniets vægt, mens andre mener, at bihulerne fungerer ligesom en deformationszone i en bil, således at traumer mod panden og næsen ikke rammer hjernen. Vi ved, at bihulekirurgi ikke påvirker stemmens genklang, og de har ingen funktion for næsen.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis

In most cases, with sinusitis, it is enough to rinse the nose with salt water daily and use a nasal spray. Treatment with injection of adrenal cortex hormone can also be used if it is a disease with nasal polyps. If none of these treatments work, surgery is the next step.

Preliminary study

When you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and you are set for an operation, you must undergo a preliminary examination. The preliminary examination takes place at our private hospital in Charlottenlund, where the doctor examines your sinuses with a short binocular examination and a review of the CT scan of your sinuses.

The binocular examination can often determine the cause of your chronic sinusitis. Is it due to, for example, nasal polyps, too large clam bones, crooked nasal septum or something else? The doctor can easily determine this with the help of the binocular examination and the CT scan. If surgery is to be performed for nasal polyps, large clam bones or a crooked nasal septum, this will be agreed in advance.

The study also shows whether, due to the anatomy, there will be challenges in accessing the sinuses during the operation.


Surgery for chronic sinusitis takes place under full anesthesia and takes approx. 1.5 hours. The operation may take longer if surgery is also required for nasal polyps, large clam bones or a crooked nasal septum.

The operation aims to create permanent drainage from the sinuses and to the nose by widening the natural drainage from the sinuses. It takes place through the nostrils and with the help of advanced equipment for 3D computer navigation, so-called CAS FESS technique. Since no two patients are alike, the way in which drainage is created may differ from patient to patient. The procedure is determined by the surgeon during the preliminary examination.

After the operation, a shorter sick leave may be required, but most people are ready to go to work within a week.

Advanced surgery and specialist doctors

As the operation takes place in a sensitive system close to vital functions such as the eyes and brain, it is performed exclusively by doctors with sub-specialisation in diseases of the nose and sinuses.

They are either operated on by a senior doctor Ph.D. Kåre Håkansson or clinic manager Jacob Fisker. Both specialists are specialized in this operation and participate annually in international continuing education courses. Furthermore, we only use the latest and best equipment for the operation. They are therefore in safe hands with us.

Book an appointment for treatment of chronic sinusitis

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis and wish to be treated by us, you are welcome to contact us. Our secretaries are ready to help you with questions and to find time for both preliminary examination and surgery.

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