Charlottenlund Privathospital

Ear pain and ear discomfort

Charlottenlund Private Hospital can help alleviate your or your child's ear pain / ear discomfort

The ear is a sensitive organ that consists of the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Various pains and discomforts can occur in the ear, which is not only unpleasant, but can also be bothersome to such an extent that it interferes with everyday life and affects the quality of life.

If you or your child experience ear pain or ear problems, at Charlottenlund Private Hospital we offer treatment by Denmark's leading ear-nose-throat doctors. We treat a wide range of ear disorders and ear pain, and regardless of whether you need an investigation or treatment, you can get help from us.

We receive both private patients, patients through private health insurance and patients through the Extended Free Hospital Choice.

Choose Charlottenlund Private Hospital for treatment of ear pain and ear discomfort

Our ear-nose-throat doctors have many years of experience in treating various types of ear disorders, and they are updated with the latest knowledge and practice in the field through continuous further training. In this way, we ensure that we can offer you the best treatment.

We help both with ear pain in adults and ear pain in children. If your child is suffering from earache, you can safely take him or her to us. We make sure to create a safe space for your child and to treat the pain as quickly as possible.

Contact us if you want an investigation for or treatment of ear pain at Charlottenlund Private Hospital.

  • Investigation: What is the cause of your ear pain?

    As a patient, it can be difficult to determine where the pain in the ear is located and what is causing it. The ear consists of small passages and components that work together to function optimally, and if a disease occurs in one of them, the whole system is affected.

    If you do not know the cause of your ear pain in advance, we begin the process with a thorough examination of your ears. The doctor systematically examines whether the pain is due to, for example, a hole in the eardrum, otitis media, foreign bodies in the ear canal or something else, until the cause of the pain is determined. Since there is a close connection between the ear-nose-throat area, the ear pain may also be due to disease in the nose or throat, which radiates to the ears.

    The doctor makes sure to take the time to explain why your pain has occurred, so that you have no doubts after your visit to us.

    If you want to know more about the ear, you can watch this animation of the structure of the ear.

  • Treatment: How is your ear pain treated?

    When you have been investigated, or if you already know the cause of your ear pain, the next phase is initiated, which is the treatment. We provide guidance on which treatment you should have and what it entails. We take our time so that you feel well informed throughout the process.

    Causes of ear pain such as otitis media, ear canal inflammation, accumulation of earwax or foreign bodies in the ear canal can be treated without surgery. Depending on the disorder, we make sure to clean the ear and provide medical treatment, e.g. with ear drops or antibiotics, and we offer a follow-up check once the medical treatment has been completed. After the treatment, the pain is relieved and you can return to your normal well-being.

    Some earaches require surgery to remove the cause of the pain. We offer treatment in the form of surgery for the following ear disorders:

    • Closure of a hole in the eardrum (myringoplasty): A hole in the eardrum can occur if, for example, you have had a strong blow, but it can also occur after infection or the placement of a drain. The symptoms are that fluid flows from the ear and there may be reduced hearing. The hole is closed by taking a piece of muscle from the masticatory muscle or cartilage from the back of the ear.
    • Drainage in the tympanic membrane (tubulation): With a cold, the eustachian tube can become blocked, which creates negative pressure in the middle ear and causes fluid formation. It can be experienced as painful and is treated by placing a drain in the eardrum, which removes the fluid.
    • Expansion of the Eustachian tube (tuba dilatation): If there is poor ventilation from the throat to the middle ear, it can cause pain in the ears. The pain is relieved by expanding the Eustachian tube with the help of a small balloon, which is inflated.
    • Knot in the ear canal (exostosis): A bony protrusion can occur in the ear canal. The bony protrusion grows slowly, and over time it can close the ear canal and collect earwax and dirt. The problem is treated by cleaning the ear and surgically removing the nodule.

    We also offer specialized treatment if your ear pain is due to a rare disease or condition in the ear.

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