Charlottenlund Privathospital

Impaired hearing

Choose Charlottenlund Private Hospital for investigation and treatment of your impaired hearing

With reduced hearing, the ear's ability to pick up sounds from the surroundings is impaired. An infection, plug in the ear or age-related hearing loss can make it harder to perceive everyday sounds, which can be socially inhibiting. It is a commonly known disorder, for which fortunately there are good treatment options.

Do you suspect that your hearing has worsened over time, or do you experience sudden hearing loss? Then it is important to have the cause of your hearing loss investigated so that you can be treated and get your quality of life back.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we treat all forms of hearing loss. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.

Some of the most common causes of hearing loss are:


Age is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. As with the body's other senses and functions, the sense of hearing weakens as you get older, which makes it harder to hear everyday sounds. It is completely natural and something that the majority of older people experience. In most cases, the problem can be remedied with a hearing aid.


Ear infections such as otitis media, ear canal infections and colds are also frequent causes of hearing loss. The infection puts the function of the ear out of balance by, for example, closing off the Eustachian tube, or because the ear canal swells, and this can affect the ability to hear correctly.

Ear wax

Accumulation of earwax can create a plug in the ear that makes it difficult for external sound waves to penetrate the ear and be interpreted by the brain. The natural cleaning mechanism in the ear may be reduced and thus lead to an accumulation of earwax. The most common cause, however, is the use of a cotton swab, which pushes the earwax further into the ear, where it can create a plug.

Noise damage

Hearing loss can also occur in the wake of being exposed to noise of particularly high intensity or duration. It could be, for example, that you have accidentally been close to a very loud, sudden sound. It can also be because you have been exposed to noise for so long that the ear eventually becomes damaged.


Rare causes

In addition to the above common causes of hearing loss, there are of course also various rare causes which typically require further investigation to uncover. At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, you are in good hands, and we help with an in-depth examination and subsequent treatment of your hearing problems.

  • Investigation: Why does hearing loss occur?

    There is not just one reason that can explain why you experience reduced hearing. On the other hand, there are many different reasons why hearing loss occurs. Hearing loss can develop gradually over time without you noticing, but it can also occur suddenly (also called "sudden deafness"). Likewise, it can be temporary or permanent.

    Watch's animation film about what happens in the ear with hearing loss.

  • Treatment: This is how we treat your hearing loss

    When you contact Charlottenlund Private Hospital with symptoms of hearing loss, we begin the consultation by determining the cause of your hearing loss. Among other things, we carry out a hearing test, where the specialist assesses whether you have hearing loss and to what degree or extent it is. A decision is then made as to what type of treatment is needed.

    Typical treatment options are:

    You are treated by some of Denmark's leading specialists in the ear-nose-throat area, so you are in safe hands and can be sure that you will receive the treatment you need.

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